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The Good Stuff - June 2024



Three more very good things around here!  


Thank you to Tim R. for sharing that one of the highlights of his day is a visit from this charming fellow. He comes to the back fence and announces his arrival. He then waits patiently while Tim goes to get his favorite snack. Who could resist that face?


To the ASADA Surfside staff for repairing the long-standing Mango water leak. Buen trabajo!


Happy birthday & feliz cumpleaños this month to:


A belated happy birthday to David W. on May 31

Shannon H. on June 12


Gina D. on June 26


Cue the singing!


This month’s Spanish phrase is: Cómo se dice? This means, “How do you say…?” When you are trying to learn and speak Spanish, and you don’t know how to say the word you want, just ask, “Cómo se dice (deesay)?” and then point or mime.


Let’s sit down for a cup of coffee with Bonnie Bradshaw, this month’s neighbor spotlight.


Bonnie was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. Her parents were teachers and every summer they took their four young children on long road trips across the U.S. One summer they went from Dallas to Everglades National Park in Florida. Another summer they went from Dallas to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. And another summer they went from Dallas to Yosemite National Park in California.


On each trip, they would stop and camp for several days in different state parks and national forests along the way. Almost every day, they took guided hikes led by park rangers. In the evenings, they attended campfire talks presented often by the same park rangers. She and her siblings, like little sponges, soaked up everything they were taught about the geology, flora and fauna of each location, and most importantly, how it was all interconnected and interdependent.


Bonnie says it is no surprise that she has dedicated most of her adult life to protecting wildlife and the environment. She adds that Kevin Hannam, her “handsome, charming, brilliant and very talented husband,” has the same commitment. Instead of human children, during the past 20 years, Kevin and Bonnie have raised and released hundreds of orphaned wild animals.


In 2017, they retired and moved to Potrero. Now, they volunteer at Apami Wildlife Rescue Center in Portegolpe, about 30 minutes from Potrero.


Bonnie says that for anyone who has spare time that they would like to put to good use, Apami has a wide variety of fun, rewarding projects for volunteers.


Bonnie is knowledgeable about a wide range of topics (as anyone on the Chats already knows!). She says that if anyone is experiencing a problem with wildlife here, she can provide humane, effective solutions that don't involve poisons or traps of any kind. Whether you have iguanas on your roof, a skunk under your foundation, or bats in your "belfry", Bonnie is happy to help!!


A huge thank you Bonnie and Kevin for your lifelong dedication of the care of wildlife, the earth, and the ecosystems we all depend on.




Meet Luna, a little white orb of delight! Her person is Dee R.


A beautiful oxybelis aeneus snake in Surfside in May (photo credit: Marco; snake identification credit: Rod M.).

A fantastic tarantula (photo credit: Ra; identification credit: Lourdes V; care and removal instructions: Bobby L. & divechic2).  

This lovely Bauhinia purpurea (photo credit: Ron P; plant identification credit: Linda). 


To Kristin and Ronnie for welcoming the community to express love and memories on Mother’s Day, May 12th.  Costa Rican Mother’s Day is August 15th, so we may get to see this again!



The sun peeks through clouds

A sudden shower explodes

I just washed the car - Michelle L.

Pink petals above

Breeze, and a sudden shower

of floating magic  - Christine G.

Romantic long walks

Renewed love, sudden shower

Laughter in the rain - Linda B.

Yes, it was your eyes

a rush, a sudden shower

awake now, at last - Peter N.

Sudden shower comes

Thick gray clouds of thoughts puddle

Rooting for the sun! - Jeanne B.

The dry of the day

Then sudden shower of wet

My foot in the mud - Jeanne B.

sudden shower falls,

children splash in puddles' play

rainbow smiles on high - James B.

Thank you to the budding poets who contributed! Vote for your favorite by DM or through the Surfside POA website.



Even life at the beach can get stressful. Here are some ways to help reduce stress and increase self-care:

  • Movement of any kind - walking, yoga, swimming, whatever gets you going.

  • Meditation, massage, slowed breathing, mindfulness.

  • Socialization to stay connected.

  • Getting enough sleep.

  • Minimizing screen time.

  • Aromatherapy.

  • Looking at the photos of all the animals in this issue!

  • A warm beverage (not warm beer).


To Veronica for saving (from a dog) and releasing this baby owl:

To Brandy R. and her horseback riding students for rescuing Opie, who was to be slaughtered due to having an abscess in his foot. They organized the rescue despite not knowing anything about Opie. He is in perfect health other than the abscess, which is currently being treated, and he is almost back to 100%! Brandy says he is about 15 years old and full of sass and energy!


Think of something you saw today that made you smile...

That is a wrap for this issue! Send me the good stuff for July. And vote for your favorite haiku!


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